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30 October 2023 : Original article  

Exploring the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Academic Burnout Among Nursing College Students in China: A Web-Based Survey

Huan Liu ORCID logo1ABCDEFG, Ziyu Zhang ORCID logo2ABE, Chenru Chi ORCID logo3BD, Xiubin Tao ORCID logo4ACF, Ming Zhang ORCID logo56ABCDEFG*

DOI: 10.12659/MSMBR.940997

Med Sci Monit Basic Res 2023; 29:e940997

Table 1 Participants’ sociodemographic characteristics and Academic Burnout Scale (ABS) mean scores (n=653).

Characteristicsn (%)ABS mean scoresTest valueP value
Male131 (20.1%)56.82±8.560
Female522 (79.9%)58.10±7.573
Age (years)F=0.434=0.729
≤018115 (17.6%)57.91±8.143
19–20324 (49.6%)58.10±8.000
21–22197 (30.2%)57.34±7.448
≥2317 (2.6%)58.47±4.989
Location of homeF=0.753=0.471
Rural393 (60.2%)58.12±7.674
suburban172 (26.3%)57.25±7.485
Urban88 (13.5%)57.77±8.857
Academic yearF=5.906=0.003
First248 (38.0%)58.10±7.016
Second240 (36.8%)58.77±8.638
Third165 (25.3%)56.13±7.359
Class leadert=1.403P=0.162
No445 (68.1%)58.17±6.845
Yes208 (31.9%)57.14±9.486
Specialty satisfactionF=44.444=0.000
Not satisfied45 (6.9%)64.78±7.061
Moderately satisfied347 (53.1%)59.07±6.665
Satisfied261 (40.0%)55.02±8.146
Adaptation to the online learningF=18.013=0.000
Not adapted87 (13.3%)60.72±6.203
Moderately adapted303 (46.4%)58.79±6.812
Adapted263 (40.3%)55.81±8.776
Satisfaction with online educationF=22.113=0.000
Unsatisfied112 (17.2%)60.32±6.684
Moderately satisfied361 (55.3%)58.58±6.296
Satisfied180 (27.6%)54.83±9.980

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Medical Science Monitor Basic Research eISSN: 2325-4416
Medical Science Monitor Basic Research eISSN: 2325-4416