28 February 2013
Implications of combined Ovariectomy/Multi-Deficiency Diet on rat bone with age-related variation in Bone Parameters and Bone Loss at Multiple Skeletal Sites by DEXA
Parameswari GovindarajanBCDEF, Gudrun SchlewitzAB, Nathalie SchliefkeB, David WeisweilerB, Volker AltA, Ulrich ThormannB, Katrin Susanne LipsA, Sabine WenischA, Alexander C. LangheinrichB, Daniel ZahnerB, Nasr Y. HemdanE, Wolfgang BöckerDE, Reinhard SchnettlerAG, Christian HeissEFGDOI: 10.12659/MSMBR.883815
Med Sci Monit Basic Res 2013; 19:76-86
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