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27 December 2021 : Clinical Research  

A National Cross-Sectional Study from the Republic of Kosovo on Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) to Evaluate the Vaccination Status of Children Between 12 and 24 Months of Age During 2018 to 2020

Bashkim Bejtë Gllareva ORCID logo1ABCDEFG, Isme Humolli ORCID logo2ABCDEFG*, Ibrahim Rudhani ORCID logo3DF, Xhevat Jakupi ORCID logo4CDF, Jon Rexhepi ORCID logo5BCDF, Tringa Metaj ORCID logo6CF, Ardita Kafexholli ORCID logo7CD, Vlora Sopi ORCID logo8B

DOI: 10.12659/MSMBR.934194

Med Sci Monit Basic Res 2021; 27:e934194

Table 4 Differences in basic parameters among children with different immunization status

Not immunized (n=3)BCG only (n=4)Partialy immunized (n=34)Complete (n=389)p-value
Child gender
Child age [months]16.6±14.719.3±10.019.0±10.312.7±5.4<0.001
Mother’s age27.9±6.826.1±6.126.8±6.330.7±5.90.127
Parent education0.458
 Primary3 (100%)1 (25.0%)14 (41.2%)91 (23.4%)
 Secondary02 (50.0%)7 (20.6%)189 (48.6%)
 High01 (25.0%)13 (38.2%)109 (28.0%)

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Medical Science Monitor Basic Research eISSN: 2325-4416
Medical Science Monitor Basic Research eISSN: 2325-4416