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18 May 2023 : Clinical Research  

Anxiety and Depression Survey and Analysis of Hospital Staff in a Designated Hospital in Shannan City During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Peijin Zhang1ABCDEFG*, Liling Tang1BCDE, Deji Ciren2BCDE

DOI: 10.12659/MSMBR.939514

Med Sci Monit Basic Res 2023; 29:e939514

Table 1 Comparison of the prevalence of anxiety and depression by characteristics of hospital staff.

Projectsn (%)SASSDS
Prevalence (%)χ2 valueP valuePrevalence (%)χ2 valueP value
 Male83 (31.09)31.331.5000.22153.015.9150.015
 Female184 (68.91)39.1368.48
Marital status
 Married209 (78.28)36.840.2210.89563.161.0960.578
 Unmarried45 (16.85)37.7868.89
 Other13 (4.87)30.7753.85
 Han103 (38.58)39.810.7080.70251.4612.2530.002
 Tibetan153 (57.30)34.6472.55
 Other11 (4.12)36.3651.46
Education level
 Junior or lower98 (36.70)30.612.7700.25067.352.3610.307
 Undergraduate147 (55.06)39.4663.27
 Master or higher22 (8.24)45.4550.00
Professional titles
 Primary or lower153 (57.30)38.563.0150.22171.9010.6950.005
 Intermediate70 (26.22)28.5754.29
 Vice-senior or higher44 (16.48)43.1850.00
Working years
 <554 (20.22)33.3366.67
 5–1084 (31.46)39.290.5420.91067.864.1310.248
 11–2070 (26.22)37.1465.71
 >2059 (22.10)35.5952.54
Job category
 Doctor99 (37.08)33.3353.54
 Nurse127 (47.56)40.942.0690.55874.0211.3820.010
 Medical technician24 (8.99)29.1754.17
 Administrative personnel17 (6.37)35.2958.82
Whether they had contact with confirmed patients
 Yes119 (44.57)38.660.3520.55361.340.5020.479
 No148 (55.43)35.1465.54
Career establishment
 Yes204 (76.40)37.750.4030.52559.805.5880.018
 No63 (23.60)33.3376.19
Tibetan aid staff
 Yes29 (10.86)37.930.0210.88544.834.9940.025
 No238 (89.14)36.5565.97
SAS – Self-Rating Anxiety Scale; SDS – Self-Rating Depression Scale.

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Medical Science Monitor Basic Research eISSN: 2325-4416
Medical Science Monitor Basic Research eISSN: 2325-4416