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23 April 2015 : Review article  

Position of Totally Thoracoscopic Surgical Ablation in the Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation: An Alternative Method of Conduction Testing

Anton SabashnikovABCDEFG, Alexander WeymannABCDEFG, Shouvik HaldarCDE, Rafik F.B. SolimanCDE, Javid FatullayevBCDE, David JonesCDE, Wajid HussainCDE, Yeong-Hoon ChoiCDE, Mohamed ZeriouhBCDE, Pascal M. DohmenCDE, Aron-Frederik PopovCDEF, Vias MarkidesABCDEF, Tom WongABCDEF, Toufan BahramiABCDEFG

DOI: 10.12659/MSMBR.894239

Med Sci Monit Basic Res 2015; 21:76-80


Recent advances in surgical techniques and understanding of the pathophysiology of atrial fibrillation has led to the development of a less invasive thoracoscopic surgical treatment including video-assisted bilateral pulmonary vein isolation using bipolar radiofrequency ablation clamps. More recently, the same operation became possible via a totally thoracoscopic approach. In this paper we describe technical aspects of the thoracoscopic approach to surgical treatment of AF and discuss its features, benefits and limitations. Furthermore, we present a new alternative technique of conduction testing using endoscopic multi-electrode recording catheters. An alternative electrophysiological mapping strategy involves a multi-electrode recording catheter designed primarily for percutaneous endocardial electrophysiologic mapping procedure. According to our initial experience, the recordings obtained from the multi-electrode catheters positioned around the pulmonary veins are more accurate than the recordings obtained from the multifunctional ablation and pacing pen. The totally thoracoscopic surgical ablation approach is a feasible and efficient treatment strategy for atrial fibrillation. The conduction testing can be easily and rapidly performed using a multifunctional pen or multi-electrode recording catheter.

Keywords: Cardiac Catheters - trends, Atrial Fibrillation - surgery, Catheter Ablation - methods, Heart Conduction System - physiopathology, Thoracoscopy - trends

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Medical Science Monitor Basic Research eISSN: 2325-4416
Medical Science Monitor Basic Research eISSN: 2325-4416